Net accounting Profit/Loss before tax (A) |
{{number_format($profitLoss,2)}} |
Add : Non - deductible expenditure & Income not included
Article 28:Non deductible expenses
1. Expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of the Taxable Person’s Business that is not capital in nature shall be deductible in the Tax Period in which it is incurred, subject to the provisions of this Decree-Law.
2. For the purposes of calculating the Taxable Income for a Tax Period, no deduction is allowed for the following:
a) Expenditure not incurred for the purposes of the Taxable Person’s Business.
b) Expenditure incurred in deriving Exempt Income.
c) Losses not connected with or arising out of the Taxable Person’s Business.
d) Such other expenditure as may be specified in a decision issued by the Cabinet at the suggestion of the Minister.
3. If expenditure is incurred for more than one purpose, a deduction shall be allowed for:
a) Any identifiable part or proportion of the expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of deriving Taxable Income.
b) An appropriate proportion of any unidentifiable part or proportion of the expenditure incurred for the purposes of deriving Taxable Income that has been determined on a fair and reasonable basis, having regard to the relevant facts and circumstances of the Taxable Person’s Business.
Article 30:General interest deduction limitation
- 1. A Taxable Person’s Net Interest Expenditure shall be deductible up to 30% (thirty percent) of the Taxable Person’s accounting earnings before the deduction of interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) for the relevant Tax Period, excluding any Exempt Income under Article 22 of this Decree-Law.
- 2. A Taxable Person’s Net Interest Expenditure for a Tax Period is the amount by which the Interest expenditure incurred during the Tax Period, including the amount of any Net Interest Expenditure carried forward under Clause 4 of this Article, exceeds the taxable Interest income derived during that same period.
- 3. The limitation under Clause 1 of this Article shall not apply where the Net Interest Expenditure of the Taxable Person for the relevant Tax Period does not exceed an amount specified by the Minister.
- 4. The amount of Net Interest Expenditure disallowed under Clause 1 of this Article may be carried forward and deducted in the subsequent (10) ten Tax Periods in the order in which the amount was incurred, subject to Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article.
- 5. Interest expenditure disallowed under any other provision of this Decree-Law shall be excluded from the calculation of Net Interest Expenditure under Clause 2 of this Article.
6. Clauses 1 to 5 of this Article shall not apply to the following Persons:
a) A Bank
b) An Insurance Provider.
c) A natural person undertaking a Business or Business Activity in the State.
d) Any other Person as may be determined by the Minister.
7. The Minister may issue a decision to specify the application of Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article to a Taxable Person that is related to one or more Persons through ownership or control and there is an obligation on them under applicable accounting standards for their financial statements to be consolidated.
Article 31:Specific interest deduction
1. No deduction shall be allowed for Interest expenditure incurred on a loan obtained, directly or indirectly, from a Related Party in respect of any of the following transactions:
a) A dividend or profit distribution to a Related Party.
b) A redemption, repurchase, reduction or return of share capital to a Related Party.
c) A capital contribution to a Related Party.
d) The acquisition of an ownership interest in a Person who is or becomes a Related Party following the acquisition.
2. Clause 1 of this Article shall not apply where the Taxable Person can demonstrate that the main purpose of obtaining the loan and carrying out the transaction referred to under Clause 1 of this Article is not to gain a Corporate Tax advantage.
3. For the purposes of Clause 2 of this Article, no Corporate Tax advantage shall be deemed to arise where the Related Party is subject to Corporate Tax or a tax of a similar character under the applicable legislation of a foreign jurisdiction on the Interest at a rate not less than the rate specified in paragraph (b) of Clause 1 of Article 3 of this Decree-Law.
{{number_format($article31,2)}} |
Article 32:Entertainment expenses
- 1. Subject to Article 28 of this Decree-Law, a Taxable Person shall be allowed to deduct 50% (fifty percent) of any entertainment, amusement, or recreation expenditure incurred during a Tax Period.
2. Clause 1 of this Article applies to any expenditure incurred for the purposes of receiving and entertaining the Taxable Person’s customers, shareholders, suppliers or other business partners, including, but not limited to, expenditure in connection with any of the following:
a) Meals.
b) Accommodation.
c) Transportation.
d) Admission fees.
e) Facilities and equipment used in connection with such entertainment, amusement or recreation.
f) Such other expenditure as specified by the Minister.
{{number_format($article32,2 )}}
Article 33:Non - deductible expenses
No deduction is allowed for:
1. Donations, grants or gifts made to an entity that is not a Qualifying Public Benefit Entity.
2. Fines and penalties, other than amounts awarded as compensation for damages or breach of contract.
3. Bribes or other illicit payments.
4. Dividends, profit distributions or benefits of a similar nature paid to an owner of the Taxable Person.
5. Amounts withdrawn from the Business by a natural person who is a Taxable Person under paragraph (c) of Clause 3 of Article 11 of this Decree-Law or a partner in an Unincorporated Partnership.
6. Corporate Tax imposed on a Taxable Person under this Decree-Law.
7. Input Value Added Tax incurred by a Taxable Person that is recoverable under Federal Decree-Law No. (8) of 2017 referred to in the preamble and what replaces it.
8. Tax on income imposed on the Taxable Person outside the State.
9. Such other expenditure as specified in a decision issued by the Cabinet at the suggestion of the Minister.
Article 34:Transactions with related parties and connected persons
Transactions with related parties and connected persons
Article 26:Transfer of Assets/ liabilities
Transfer of Assets/ liabilities
Sub total (B) |
{{number_format($alltotal,2)}} |
Add : Fair value accounting and capital asset adjustments
Unrealised losses
{{number_format($unrealieased_gain_loss,2)}} |
Article 20:Unrealised losses
Sub total (C) |
Less : Fair value accounting and capital asset adjustments
Article 21:Unrealised gains
Sub total (D) |
Less : Exempt Income
{{number_format($unrealieased_gain_loss,2)}} |
Dividend and profit distribution from UAE company
Dividend and profit distribution from UAE company
Participation exemption
Participation exemption
International transportation
Sub total (E) |
Less : Other items
Other deductions
Other deductions
Other Addition
Other Addition
Corporate tax /VAT refund
Sub total (F) |
{{number_format($co_operateTaxRefund,2)}} |
Taxable Income (A+B+C+D+E+F) |
{{number_format($totalTaxableIncome,2)}} |
Foreign branch Income
Taxable Income |
Tax Loss relief
Article 37 & Article 38 & Article 39:Brought forward losses set off
Brought forward losses set off
- |
Final Taxable Income
{{number_format($totalTaxableIncome,2)}} |
Tax on Taxable Income
Tax on Taxable Income
{{number_format($finalTaxableIncome,2)}} |
Less : Credits
Article 46:Withholding tax credit
Article 47:Foreign tax credit
- 1. Corporate Tax due under Article 3 of this Decree-Law can be reduced by the amount of Foreign Tax Credit for the relevant Tax Period.
- 2. The Foreign Tax Credit under this Decree-Law cannot exceed the amount of Corporate Tax due on the relevant income.
- 3. Any unutilised Foreign Tax Credit as a result of Clause 2 of this Article cannot be carried forward or carried back.
- 4. A Taxable Person shall maintain all necessary records for the purposes of claiming a foreign tax credit.
{{number_format($article47,2)}} |
{{number_format($article47,2)}} |
Corporate Tax payable
0 |
{{number_format($cooperateTaxPayble,2)}} |
Footnotes/pending issues
Footnotes/pending issues
Prepared by
List of documents
List of documents
Approved by